_S_G_I_H_e_l_p_M_s_g provides for communication with ssssggggiiiihhhheeeellllpppp(1), the Silicon
Graphics Help System.
Programs wishing to utilize this functionality must call the function
_S_G_I_H_e_l_p_I_n_i_t once to initialize the API. The pointer to the open Display
(see XXXXOOOOppppeeeennnnDDDDiiiissssppppllllaaaayyyy(3X11)) and the application's client (class) name
(usually the same name as the application's resource file; see
XXXXttttAAAAppppppppIIIInnnniiiittttiiiiaaaalllliiiizzzzeeee(3Xt)) must be provided. The third parameter, the
separator character used in the application's helpmap file, should be set
to NULL (to utilize the API default). Calling _S_G_I_H_e_l_p_I_n_i_t more than once
during program execution is harmless, but is unnecessary.
The _S_G_I_H_e_l_p_M_s_g call provides a method for communication with the help
server process, ssssggggiiiihhhheeeellllpppp(1). This process will start automatically when a
request for help is generated, if it is not already running on the
system. The calling application (making the help request) can send in the
_k_e_y and _b_o_o_k, which tells the help server (ssssggggiiiihhhheeeellllpppp(1)) which help card to
display. Note that help cards come from IIIInnnnssssiiiigggghhhhtttt(1) books, or from HTML
files found within the IIIInnnnssssiiiigggghhhhtttt(1) library.
The _S_G_I_H_e_l_p_I_n_d_e_x_M_s_g call tells the help server process, ssssggggiiiihhhheeeellllpppp(1), to
display a list of available topics for this application. Note that a
content provider must prepare a helpmap file for this to work.
Refer to the IIIIRRRRIIIIXXXX IIIInnnntttteeeerrrraaaaccccttttiiiivvvveeee DDDDeeeesssskkkkttttoooopppp((((TTTTMMMM)))) IIIInnnntttteeeeggggrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn GGGGuuuuiiiiddddeeee for more
information on this topic and on providing/creating help content for your
application to work in conjunction with ssssggggiiiihhhheeeellllpppp(1).
The application must link with the library _l_i_b_h_e_l_p_m_s_g._s_o and must include
the file <_h_e_l_p_a_p_i/_H_e_l_p_B_r_o_k_e_r._h>.